" Practice reveals being , and knowledge of being is bliss" inspired from teachings of Nico Luce
Having just returned from amazing week of snow and being outdoors in the slopes of Sweden, I was reminded of the beauty of this island in the spring as we drove home from the airport with flowers everywhere and the feel of warmer weather. How blessed we are to live here and share our lives and practice together!
This month is a lot about re birth as spring comes into it´s full blossom as well as rolling up ones sleeves to get what needs to be done, done. Our team of builders, electricians and plumbers are in full swing with renovations of our new shala and we are seeing changes every day.
Many of you took the opportunity to take a class with mirjam for her last week of teaching here and we were all touched by the support, warmth and care that transpired between your selves and Mirjam. Mirjam wrote us a message after one of her last practices explaining that although in the end, we are all on our own, making our own footprints, we are always together in the heart.
We are happy to announce, after a lot of contemplation, who will be taking over the classes now that Mirjam has gone
Monday evenings 7pm vinyasa class will be taught by Katja
Wendesday mornings 10am vinyasa class will be taught by Margit
Thursday evenings 7pm Yin class will be taught by Julia.
All the other classes remain the same except our Tuesdays beginners class at 10am will be taught by Julia instead of Katja.
They are all so looking forward to sharing their knowledge and practice with you. We hope that you will come to love these wonderful teachers and like with everything ,give each of them your kind, open hearts and time to grow with you.
Due to popular demand we are adding two more kundalini classes with Jeanne and Linda. The new classes will be Tuesday evenings at 8.30pm and Thursday afternoons at 2pm.
Jeanne Lurey will also be offering two events this month:
On Sunday 16 March Jeanne Lurey will be offering a Sadhana from 6.30am until 9am. A Sadhana is a discipline that moves us toward cosmic consciousness and self realization. To reach samadhi or self realization, we must consciously seek to unite with higher consciousness, or simply chose to stay asleep. A sadhu is a being who has disciplined himself. Sadhana is the technique to discipline yourself. To practice Sadhana means to get up at dawn, meditate, chant mantras, perform asanas, call on your spirit and regulate your breath and join together in group consciousness to help each other and to help the world and the new golden age of consciousness.
Time : 6:30am - 9:00am - 75 min yoga asana - 60 minutes mantra meditation
Open to all - No experience required
This will be a donation based class.
On Saturday 22 March Jeanne Lurey will be hosting a SPRING EQUINOX WORKSHOP CELEBRATION. A very special time of rebirth, regeneration and transformation. The spring Equinox has long been celebrated by all ancient civilizations. The sun releases vast amounts of green energy into the universe. We come together to celebrate the rebirth of the light of the sun as we rejoice, renew and rejuvenate. The sun represents the heart in the body - contemplating the sun opens our heart center and facilitates the elevation of consciousness - We learn to be the Sun and shower our love and light on everyone with powerful meditations and visualizations during the Spring Equinox. We will practice Kundalini Yoga Kriyas for opening the heart and attracting green energy with special Pranayama practices and Meditations - Including powerful gong sound meditation for transformation. We will plant the seeds of new intentions and allow them to bloom with the green energy of prosperity of the sun. We will chant mantras, dance and sing in joyous celebration of rebirth as we move into the spring season.
This practice will cost 35 euros and is open to all.
Time : 3.30 - 7pm
To secure your place for this special event please email us at info@earthyoga.esor contact us at reception.
Please do not forget to check our website for events and workshops as we have many exciting workshops and teacher trainings coming up with Jeanne Heileman, Mirjam Wagner and David Lurey.
Thank you again for your support. We feel filled with strength, hope and inspiration for this new chapter for earth yoga.
Love Sandra and the Earth Yoga team xxxxx