Dear Friends and Yogis," So let us, in gently walking on the earth, leave behind a simple legacy- that we loved the earth, we were new warriors, mystic warriors who had the courage to try to save it." From the book Mother Earth Spirituality by Ed McGaa, Eagle ManWe are all motivated by the words of Albert Schweitzer: " The noblest instinct of them all is the reverence for all life"We are looking forward to welcoming the change in seasons, September and our dear friends who may have been traveling over the summer. We have had a wonderful summer here with more yogis visiting from all over the world, both students and amazing guest teachers. Thank you to all of you who help spread the word of Earth Yoga as we hear again and again that a lot of our new students come from word of mouth.The heat affects our practice in a different way for us all, some of us love it (!) and some of us feel like the fire ( the pitta ) can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. The beauty of your yoga practice is that you can always slow it down and find a practice that soothes rather than overheats us. If you needed more energy (fire) we have had plenty of that too and just a few weeks ago we enjoyed the teachings of Dylan Werner. Dylan is a master of anatomy and inversions, so thank you for the knowledge and inspiration shared by him and our students!As the summer allows most of us to spend more time in nature , at sea and simply just immersed in the outdoors, we also become aware of how rich our lives are because of the beauty of nature as we move into fall, take a moment and really see where you as a human can give thanks and respect our World. We will host more donation classes during the next few months to give back to organizations that help support and make us aware of what needs to be done in order to tread more softly on this planet.We have some exciting events taking place in September:
Beginning with a Yoga meets Dance and Music Workshop on Saturday 3rd September (17.30-19.00). It will be hosted by Nicole who is both a yoga teacher and movement teacher. This will be for all of you who love to flow with music and who also love to dance. It will be less focus on alignment and more of just finding the joy of movement to music. This workshop is donation based and open for all levels. Please come, pay what you can and enjoy the sacred movement!
We are very happy to announce that Chris Chavez
will visit Earth Yoga on the
weekend of
17-18th September. We will have more information on the Workshops / Masterclasses he will be offering in the next few weeks, but we have a feeling the workshops will sell out fast so if you are interested, please contact us at Earth Yoga to reserve your spot. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Chris Chavez. He is a world known teacher based in Istanbul but originally from Canada. He is a master at arm balances, teaching with a lot of humor, heart and energy. Taking a workshop with Chris will open up doors both in your physical body and heart! He is also the teacher of our dear Brent and Rebecca you will be in very good
For those of you who love Jivamukti Yoga, we have a dear friend from Sweden called Anna Hultman who will teach Jivamukti inspired classes the weekend of 23 - 25 September. She is one of the most popular teachers in Sweden and her classes are a wonderful fusion of Vinyasa, Jivamukti and Flow. More information will follow soon!
October is also lining up to be another inspiring month! and so far we have the following events planned:Nico Luce returns to Earth Yoga again to offer the following workshops.....
Nico Luce is one of those rare teachers who has such deep knowledge of the yoga philosophy and especially the Bhagavad Vita. He is also incredible at teaching the flow of Vinyasa and is inspiring on all levels. To reserve your spot please contact or
Christian Klix will
also be joining us at the end of October, he has visited Earth Yoga before and is a gentle soul with an incredible Ashtanga practice, arm balance practice and a way of teaching which will only inspire you and not intimidate you. The dates booked are: Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 October, 2016. More information to follow shortly.
We close this newsletter with wishing you a happy return to the beauty of fall a chance to come back to routines enjoy longer walks, fresh air and as always a chance to listen, receive and give...Love Sandra and the Earth Yoga Team